With the release of OpenNMS 30, we found that the PagerDuty plugin was broken.
Issue #9 was opened on Jul 20 to address the error:
Error executing command: Unable to resolve root: missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=opennms-plugins-pagerduty; type=karaf.feature; version="[0.1.3,0.1.3]"; filter:="(&(osgi.identity=opennms-plugins-pagerduty)(type=karaf.feature)(version>=0.1.3)(version<=0.1.3))" [caused by: Unable to resolve opennms-plugins-pagerduty/0.1.3: missing requirement [opennms-plugins-pagerduty/0.1.3] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=org.opennms.plugins.pagerduty-plugin; type=osgi.bundle; version="[0.1.3,0.1.3]"; resolution:=mandatory [caused by: Unable to resolve org.opennms.plugins.pagerduty-plugin/0.1.3: missing requirement [org.opennms.plugins.pagerduty-plugin/0.1.3] osgi.wiring.package; filter:="(&(osgi.wiring.package=org.opennms.integration.api.v1.alarms)(version>=0.5.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))"]]
The devs did update the master tree a few weeks ago to accommodate the changes for OpenNMS 30, however it still does not build. I have forked the project and made one small change and it compiles and works.