CIDR subnet mask cheat sheet. I keep getting asked about stuff like this so I’ll just start posting it here 🙂
CIDR subnet mask cheat sheet. I keep getting asked about stuff like this so I’ll just start posting it here 🙂
Windows. While you can QoS and filter and such, nothing will be perfect, there will always be a few seconds of issue if Data & Voice are sharing the same internet connection. The only thing that truly works is installing a T1 line to customer premise solely for voice.
The reason this is, is that it’s a guaranteed fact that once a week someone in any office using windows will get a virus, that virus will spam or download or whatever as fast as the internet connection will allow. Thus causing havoc on VoIP quality. *sigh* why does M$ make my life so difficult?
I can’t stand the way Mary Carillo speaks. Is her jaw wired shut? does she know that most people move their jaw when speaking not just their lips? Is she pretending she has a puppet? I just don’t get it. Her speech is so ungodly awful and annoying it single handedly removes any sort of desire I have of watching the Olympics on NBC.
Get someone else to host for the love of god.
Source Mirrors .org has gotten a slight but simple make over. We’re back up and running with a few TB of disk space and a gigabit of bandwidth available. If you have a project that needs some help in the bandwidth department please let me know and I’ll hook you up.
Had to do this for work, couldn’t easily find a snippet on the web so here is one in case for some odd reason anyone needs it, this will create a file (t.t) that will have a list of numbers from 1000 -> 2000 adjust numbers as needed 🙂
while [ $i -lt 2001 ]
echo $i >> t.t