365Main power issues

It appears that a major data center in San Francisco which hosts some of the worlds most popular websites (Craigslist, LiveJournal, Technorati) suffered a major power systems failure when utility power was lost to the Center.  There have been two initial reports first (the much more logical) report is that during a PE&G issue that cut power to the facility that backup systems did not engage properly *or* were not able to support the load.  The other report (which is probably false) is that a employee got drunk and started on a rampage in Colo4 in the center.  Persons that were in the Center during the outage report it as a utility failure and that generators did start but power was still lost.

SPEAKservers starting to pick up steam

My new company SPEAKservers LLC which is co-owned by Triphius and myself is starting to roll along nicely now.  We’ve started to get regular inquiries and purchases :)  If you are a avid online gamer I am sure you have heard of TeamSpeak, a online VoIP solution for games among other things.  SPEAKservers sells these servers to the upper crust of online users who require mission critical uptime and connectivity.

Check out SPEAKservers  🙂
