I’ve re-setup my NTP pool, if you need a stable time source set your ntp client to point to clock.mcguyverofbeer.com and you will hit one of my current time servers that is also listed within the ntp.org pool 🙂
Category Archives: Opensource
Currently playing / Latest played music
I added a list on the right hand side that displays the latest played songs on my work station according to my Last.fm profile.
It *should* update as new tracks are played on my workstation 🙂
Open letter to all recording artists
Just because you sell millions of records does not give you the right to waste my time preaching world peace and shit. Shut the fuck up and make music, that’s what you are paid for…. not making my ears bleed with your fucked political views.
Nursing home star trek
Leonard Nimoy will be playing Spock in the next star trek movie… This makes one ask, will the set be wheel chair accessible, will someone please provide him a Rascal, or a Hoverround? I mean seriously, I think it’s time to let it go there Leonard. The movie is due out Christmas of 2008, lets hope he doesn’t pass away before the premiere ^.^
365Main update
Turns out (as we all expected) the drunk employee theory was bunk. The reason for the outage to the colo facility was that their emergency power systems did not work. 365Main has a HiTec flywheel UPS design, meaning they don’t use batteries. These big flywheels are able to sustain power to the facility for 11 seconds until the generators spool up.. obviously this didn’t quite work out. Perhaps there’s something to those good ol’ reliable battery backup systems that facilities like Equinix and ourselves use….
365Main power issues
It appears that a major data center in San Francisco which hosts some of the worlds most popular websites (Craigslist, LiveJournal, Technorati) suffered a major power systems failure when utility power was lost to the Center. There have been two initial reports first (the much more logical) report is that during a PE&G issue that cut power to the facility that backup systems did not engage properly *or* were not able to support the load. The other report (which is probably false) is that a employee got drunk and started on a rampage in Colo4 in the center. Persons that were in the Center during the outage report it as a utility failure and that generators did start but power was still lost.