Of course, why not sue the not-for-profit company trying to educate the poor… *sigh*

Gotta love fuckin’ morons….

Lagos Analysis Corporation (LANCOR) is going forward with its patent infringement lawsuit against the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project. LANCOR has obtained a temporary injunction against the distribution of the OLPC XO laptop in Nigeria and is seeking a permanent injunction as well as $20 million in damages. Ars Technica

Site now @ wordpress 2.3.2

Updated the site to 2.3.2 due to a security issue in 2.3.1, I’ve also enabled svn updates so I don’t have to go through annoying file copies for future upgrades.


Happy new year

Well, another year has come and gone and it was a heck of a year, many advances in the Linux desktop world, we say Vista crash and burn.  Google is still a tech giant and many other things.  The only disappointing thing to me is it was another year that the military was not able to take the gloves off and get done and out of the middle east.  It’s time to stop beating around the bush people, do what needs to be done and get out.


Amarok & iPod Classic, working in perfect harmony

I’ve successfully gotten my new iPod classic and Amarok working together better than iTunes!


gOS development kit & Mainboard – VIA PC2500E 1.5Ghz

So many of you have probably alread heard about the walmart PC for $200 that has sold out online and is raising some serious competition in the low end PC market. This PC runs on a 1.5Ghz Via C7 processor which consumes only 20Watts of power. The board it comes with has SATA, DDR2, 8 USB ports, Onboard Video & LAN. It’s a very very nice piece of hardware that can be purchased at clubit.com for a measly $60 + shipping. We picked up one to give it a go. We’ve got it running Fedora 8 at 1280×1024 resolution at a acceptable amount of response time. The video looks crisp and clear and everything worked right out of the box and it’s pretty amazing considering it only cost us $60….

Here are some photos of our new found toy: