Not being lazy

For anyone who cares, so far this year I’ve officially lost over 40lbs, I’m going to to say what I’m down to yet because I’m still a fat ass but I’m below 300lbs 🙂


XBMC Fedora

XBMC has been released for Linux, I compiled from source and have posted how I did it @ Fedora Junkies (my wiki)



(RPM will be made when I’m not so tired)

PGP Encrypted Mail – New Requirement if anyone wants to email me.

I’ve recently run into a issue with people faking email address and generally morons sending me e-mail so I think I just may be able to kill two birds with one stone.  I’ll be requiring that anyone that wants to email me for help on a problem PGP sign and encrypt their email to me.

My public key is available here

How to configure your mail client is up to you (Moron filter).


Ah, yes. Sarah Palin’s E-Mail account hacked

While this may seem a bit funny to some, it’s not actually all that amusing, the few screen shots (Google it I’m not linking you) that have been posted really aren’t that interesting, just friends and family (a bit of Gov stuff as well). But nothing really *shocking*.  Someone however needs to inform her that ‘Yahoo’ shouldn’t be trusted with your bits.
